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  Complete Bed Bath

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

الجنس : ذكر
عدد المساهمات : 1779

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Giving a Complete Bed Bath

Material needed:

Wash basin
Soap dish and soap
Orangewood stick, if needed
Bath blanket
Face towel
Bath towel
Paper towel
Clean clothing
Oral hygiene supplies
Brush or comb
Personal care articles ( deodorant, body powder )
Disposable gloves


1. Explain what you are going to do
Wash your hands
Obtain material listed above
Provide privacy (close door, pull curtains or shades)
Raise bed to convenient working height and lock wheels. Lower rail on side where you are working
Offer bed pan or urinal
Lower head of bed to a level comfortable for client - as low as possible
Remove top bedding and cover client with bath blanket or top sheet
Help client to remove clothing, if needed
Help client to move to side of bed near you
Help client with oral hygiene, if needed
Fill wash basin two third full with warm water
Place paper towel under clients head and a towel over clients chest
Make a mitt with washcloth to be used throughout procedure
Wash eye area gently with clean water only. Start from inner corner of washcloth for each eye
Ask client if you should use soap or cleaning cream for cleansing the face
Wash face from center outward. Use firm, gentle movements
Wash ears and neck. Rinse and dry using towel on clients chest
Put a towel, lengthwise, under the arm and a towel near hand on which to place the wash basin
Put clients hand in basin allow it to soak. Wash the arm and armpit.
Wash, rinse, and dry arm, armpit, and hand. Apply deodorant under arm, if requested.
Push back cuticles; clean under nails with orangewood stick. Dry between fingers thoroughly

** follow steps 19-22 for other arm **
Place basin back on bedside table and chair
Put towel over chest and abdomen. Pull bath blanket to thighs. Do not expose client when washing chest and abdomen
Wash, rinse, and dry chest and abdomen. Cover chest and abdomen with bath blanket. Remove towel
Uncover leg. Do not expose genital area. Place towel under the leg and foot. Place another towel near foot and put basin on towel
Bend clients knee and put foot in basin; allow it to soak. Wash and dry leg while foot is soaking
Wash and dry foot. Clean under toenails. Dry between toes thoroughly
Repeat steps 26-28 for other leg and foot
Place basin back on bedside table or chair
Turn client on side; drape bath blanket to expose back and buttocks
Place towel on bed, tucked lengthwise along neck and shoulders to buttocks
Wash, rinse, and dry neck, shoulders, back and buttocks. Work from neck to buttocks. Use long strokes for washing the back
Give back rub
Change bath water
Turn client on to back
Place towel under buttocks. Place basin, soap, and towel within reach. Have client wash genital and rectal areas. Ask client to tell you when finished. If client is unable to wash these areas, complete this part of bath wearing disposable gloves
Help client to put on gown, PJ's, or other clothings
Comb or brush clients hair
Make sure client is safe and comfortable
Place bed in lowest position ( raise side rails if needed )
Empty and clean wash basin. Wipe off work area with paper towels and discard them. Place soiled towels and washcloths in laundry container to be washed. Return other supplies to proper place
Wash your hands
Record what you have done. Report any unusual conditions to the family or nurse.

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Complete Bed Bath
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