اهم الاسئلة فى مادة الفسيولوجى
دة توقع طلاب وليس له ادنى صلة بالدكاترة .
mechanism of salivary secretion , gastric secretion , pancreatic secretion ,gall bladder evacuation
deglutition " swallowing "
factor affecting in
1- evacuation of stomach
2-gall bladder evacuation
fuction of
1- bile salts
2-gall bladder
3-small intestine
large intestine
factor affecting rhythmicity
fuction of vagus nerve on cardiovascular
factor regulating heart rate "mary law and bainbridage "
factors affecting cardiac output "C.O.P "
arterial B.P definition , factors
factor maintaining blood pressure
haemorrhage definition , types one of effects , treatment
oedema definition ,causes
function of thyroid hormone
hypothyroidism " cretinism" "myxoedema"
hyperthyroidism "grave disease "
function of parathormane , calcitonin, vitamin D
tetany and their causes , types
function of glucorticoids
function of aldestrone
hypoadrenalism " addison disease " veeeeeeeeeeery important
function of insulin
function of glucagon
function of GH "growth hormone"
hypofunction of adenohypophyseal function in child , adult